Body and Foot Axes

Body Axes

Our legs and arms have duality (left and right), as well as integrity, as they are connected in the middle. Between the two parts of the body, which should look ‘mirrored’ and should be, as far as possible, symmetrical, is a Vertical Line that runs down the spine from the top of the head to its mirror projection between the legs at the foot level. In order to feel better, we should understand and feel how the body is ‘mirrored’ in space and the Vertical Line or Central Axis that maintains our symmetry. Let’s explore all the body axes proposed by Natalie Droin, the founder of Sacral Body Architecture.

Foot Axes

Изображение выглядит как стол, объектАвтоматически созданное описание

In the foot, we observe a cross shape. Two axes create this cross, at the intersection of which we sense a special place of contact with the ground. The first axis goes along the foot from the top of the heel to the second toe. The second axis goes perpendicular or almost perpendicular to the first one along the ball of the foot underneath the toe line, that is, the joints between the proximal phalanges and the metatarsal bones (these are the joints on which we stand on the forefoot, provided that our toes are not pressed into the floor). If we think of the shape of the foot as a triangle, then there will be at least three such joints.

Central Body Axis. Vertical Line

The central body axis or Vertical Line is located inside us between the right and left sides of our body. At the back, it runs down the spine: cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. At the front, it goes down the midline in the centre of our body from the pubic bone to the navel and from the navel up to the breast bone, from the breastbone to the jugular notch, and through the top of the head and upwards.

Front Body Axes

The left and right front axes of your body start from the point between the big and second toes of your feet, then go up the midline between the ankle bones, along the front prominent shin bones, the middle of your kneecaps, thighs, in front of your hip bones (the ilium) and continue alongside your body into the shoulders and further up. 

Lateral (Outer) Body Axes

The left and right lateral axes start from the outer sides of your feet (the points directly below the ankles), go up along your outer calves to your knees, thighs, the top of your hip bones, waist and continue into your armpits, shoulders, alongside your neck, and further up.

Medial (Inner) Body Axes

The left and right medial axes start from the points below your inner ankles on the floor. From these points we keep going up the inner calves to the knees, along the inner thighs up to the inguinal fossa in the pelvic area. Continue the imaginary line along the left and right parallels inside the body, along the spine to the cranial base a few centimetres from the central body axis and further up.

Posterior (Back) Body Axes

The back axes of the body run parallel from the bottom of your heels along the Achilles tendons, the back of your knees (or the knee springs), back thighs to the sitting bones and up the back, parallel to the spine and further up.

Arm Axes

Inner Arm Axis

Lift your arms up to shoulder level in front of you. With one of your middle fingers draw a line along the inner side of your other middle finger, palm, wrist, forearm, elbow and shoulder to the armpit. Imagine the line goes inside your body from one armpit to another, parallel to the shoulder line. Then draw the line along the inner side of your other arm along the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, palm and middle finger. Set your arms in a bow shape, feeling the inner axis of your arms as if you are hugging a big ball or sphere.

Upper Arm Axis

Lift your arms up to the sides with the edges of your hands pointing towards the floor and your thumbs held parallel to your index fingers. The upper arm axis goes along the right thumb and index finger, wrist and elbow all the way to the shoulder. Imagine the straight line goes inside the body to the left shoulder, elbow, wrist, index finger and thumb.

Lower Arm Axis

The lower arm axis goes along the right little finger, wrist and elbow to the armpit and inside the body to the left armpit, elbow and little finger. 

Outer Arm Axis

The outer arm axis goes along the back of the middle finger, hand, wrist, elbow joint to the armpit and along the upper back and shoulder blades to the other armpit, shoulder, elbow joint, the back of the other wrist, hand and middle finger.

It is important to learn how to feel all the body axes at the same time, when we stand tall as if we are pushing from the feet to the ceiling, stretching along the Vertical Line, trying to maintain maximum symmetry between the right and left sides of the body. 

Levels of the Joints

Presence in the body begins with presence in the 13 levels of the joints.